Environmental information for Manhattan's Upper West Side about:
Recycling / Re-Use
Waste Reduction
Energy Conservation
Renewable Energy
Pollution Abatement
Urban Greening
Growing Food in NYC
Upper West Side Recycling (UWSR) was born out of the original Earth Day and started as a neighborhood drop-off center to recycle metal and glass. But we've evolved with the times as recycling has at last become a common practice.
But recycling's only one piece of taking care of our vulnerable environment - and environmental issues can be complicated. So many of us care a lot, but just don't know what to do.
So we started the UWSR Eco Letter, a free bi-monthly Newsletter that aims to empower local residents by providing substantive information about relevant environmental topics and upcoming events over the next three months or so. Subscribe now by clicking here or in the big yellow box.
Each Eco Letter includes a Commentary on an important environmental topic. As a bonus, you'll also get a link to our unique Hard-to-Recycle List as well as a list of local environmental organizations.

Thanks so much for sending this - it's fantastic! A wonderful means to get in touch with the UWS.
- M.M., NYC Educator